Monday, May 31, 2010

My Previous Post

Do you have any idea how to pronouce the previous post, or as a matter of fact, this?

ευτυχισμένος βράχια φίλους δέντρο

So you do kow how to pronouce it. Well, anyway, I'll find time to add more posts on how to play a guitar. And you're probably not ready for New Divide.


Mi Annoio, Di Nuovo

Ancora una volta, mi annoio, ecco perché ho deciso di tradurre questo pezzo intero di testo. Random parola - Pizza! Fammi vedere se questo numero. Basta commentare questo post in una traduzione in inglese con il tuo nome, a quanto pare. Random parola - perdere. Aspetta. Perché non è Mancato? Questo è il linguaggio stesso usato in Bang!! Bene, ora non mi annoio più. Tutto qui.


About The Translations

If you were stupid enough to think that I can type in several languages, well, I'll tell you I just used Google Translate to translate it and so I haven't a single idea how to say any of them. But than again, you already knew that. As a matter of fact, only one person from M10103 know korean, and that's not me. It's Woo Jin. But you still knew that, didn't you.


The Word Of The Day

Today's word of the day is pharsetarr. And I also realised that the only person other than me who signs off is jac, but I hate her because she hates me because of the paranoia, which makes her paranoid of me, but then again, her reason might change. But I still hate her alot, but not as much as I hate my mother. (Whoops)


Pharsetarr - Blooogleplex

Pharsetarr (Noun):
Pronouced as: fast-tah-r
A pharsetarr is a sticky viscous liquid denser than water that contains liquidfied pasta.
Example: Pharsetarr has not been proven to exist.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Another Picture

I was bored for the second time today so I made this other picture. I know it's blurb but at least it's got the details.

Word Of The Day

I don't have much time so I'll go straight to the point. The word of the day is billicon.


Billicon - Blooogleplex

Billicon (Noun):
Pronouced as: Bee-Lee-Con
A billicon is somebody who is aware of his surroundings but appears to be oblivious it his surroundings.
Example: Actually, he's a billicon.

Learn How To Play The Guitar #1

This post was specially made for those who wanna learn how to play the guitar. If you're not satisfied with this, we'll, sorry, I'll return it within a week, except that since this is free, you won't get any money back. Hah. Well anyway, this is the list of what you need.
Things you need:
1. Any 6 String Guitar (Acoustic, Classical, Electric, Electric Acoustic, Electric Semi-Acoustic, Broken... etc. All Work)
2. An Electronic Guitar Tuner
3. A Working Computer
4. Electricity
5. This Post

Optional things you need:
1. A Pick (Too Pick Your Nose And The Guitar Strings)
2. Something To Cut Your Finger Nails (They Needa Be Short)
3. A Friend (To Annoy)
4. A Printer (To Print This Out)

Ok, first, this is how you hold your guitar. Its neck should be pointed towards your left.

After that, you must know how a guitar works. It consist of columns (fret) and grids (strings). The diagram should tell you where it is. Do note that I added a yellow on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd string to make them clearer.

Ok, now I want you, with your blunt nails, to press the 6th string and the 3rd fret with your left middle finger, real hard, and use your left thumb to wrap around the neck. You'll have to press it sooo hard that you can feel the neck. Feel the pain. Make sure your thumb does not touch the string. When you strum, you usually strum on the 6th string first. Anyway, use your right thumb and hit the 6th string at the hole in the frame of the guitar (that is if you are using a classical or acoustic guitar). Don't go any further. If you hear a short sounding sound, good. If you hear a long sounding sound that appears to 'oscillate back and forth' and last for at least 10 seconds, even better. When you remove your finger, you'll see a line where the skin goes inwards. If it doesn't happen, you aren't even pressing hard enough. Try to make it at the tip of your fingers. While you are recovering from the pain, tune the guitar. You tune from the 6th string to the 1st. The following are the sound that each string sould make, starting from the 6th to the 1st. EADGBE. You might want to memorise the 6th to 4th string. Do remember not to touch the string except for your right thumb while tunning your guitar. Besides trying to use your left middle finger, use other fingers on your left hand on other frets and strings, except your thumb. It's to help your left hand become numb. That's it for now. If my instructions are unclear, please comment.


Pictures For My Blog

Everyone likes pictures, so I made a picture to make this blog looks nicer. I wanted to do this yesterday but I was playing computer games. So here goes the picture.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Word Of The Day

Yesterday, I didn't add the word of the day because I forgot. Why am I such a bluranoid. Anyway, the word of the day is... twonineninesevenninetwofourfiveeightmps. It originates from the speed of light, which is 299792458m/s. That's is folks, not that I have anything else to refer to you as right now.


Twonineninesevenninetwofourfiveeightmps - Blooogleplex

Twonineninesevenninetwofourfiveeightmps (Adjective/ Adverb):
Pronouced as: two-nine-nine-seven-nine-two-four-five-eight-em-pee-ass
Twonineninesevenninetwofourfiveeightmps is used to describe things as extremely fast.
Example: The car is twonineninesevenninetwofourfiveeightmps fast.

Friday, May 28, 2010

I've Developed My Own System

I've developed my own system for the melody. The do ra me fa so... etc. thingy is something I don't know yet and I'm too lazy to memorize it, so I developed it. Example, 3-7 means you press the 3rd string and the 7th fret. Do is 3-7, Re is 3-9, Me is 2-7, Fa is 2-8, So is 2-0 (the zero here means 10), La is 1-7, Ti (not to be confused with titanium) is 1-9 and the other Do is 1-0 (you should know this isn't open string). So that's my system. This is the melody for As The Deer Panths For The Water, or at least the verse.

Verse 1
2-7 2-0 2-0 2-7 3-9 3-7/3-9 2-8 2-7 3-9 3-7 1-7/1-7 2-0 2-8/2-0
Verse 2
2-7 2-0 2-0 2-7 3-9 3-7/3-9 2-8 2-7 3-9 3-7 3-7/2-7 3-9/3-7 3-7
1-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-9 1-7 1-7 2-0/3-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 2-0 2-8 2-8 2-7 (2-8 2-7)

That's the verse. I even alternated the colour for you! Mind you, my guitar teacher only taught me verse 1. The updates are in blue and green and the slash is to hold for longer. The bracket is to show its optional.


What Happened Today

Today, I went to the beatch (Yes, you saw it as beatch) and I made a mini island the survived the high tide (Pwnage). Anyway, I was in the sun for soooooooo long that my skin turned red and now I look like a fibonavvi. (The fibonavvi look like avatar but are red in colour and fibo created it and since I'm from fibo, I guess I can use it.) And I hadn't had time to figure out As The Deer Panths For The Water melody. And I haven't thought of the word of the day or do the new poll. Now I now you want to do the poll. Go on, nobody's gonna stop you. Erm... that's it guys/ girls/ gays and lesbians and homosexuals. I mean seriously, gays are lesbian and vice versa, which makes em' homos. If a gay is a gay, he still looks like a boy but is a girl, which makes him a lesbian who claims she's a boy but looks like a girl, which... well, you get the point. That's it, for the second time.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Bro Pwned As The Deer Panths For The Water

Me and my bro just learnt the melody of As The Deer Panths For The Water. Unfortunately, our teacher didn't teach us all and ask us to figure the rest out. And guess what, my bro, within 6h, he figure out the whole song. And we just learned how to play the melody! Pwned!

"Hey, I did it all by myself! David did not contribute in anything! The credit should go to me only!" says my bro. My reply - STFU.

Well, that's it for now.


I Just Learnt How To Play The Melody

I just learn how to play the melody! What's that? Well, the sound you heard in a piano, yes, its that sound. That's it for now.


Breadstab - Blooogleplex

Breadstab (Verb):
Pronouced as: br-ea-d-st-aa-b
To breadstab is to pretend to go into a trance with an electric guitar.
Past Tense: Breadstub
Past/ Present Continuous Tense: Breadstabbing
Example: I suspect the man is only breadstabbing and not in a real trance.

Word Of The Day

I did add the word of the day yesterday because I couldn't think of it. Well the word of the day is... well, I didn't think of the word of day... nope, haven't thought of anything yet... ok, I got it. Its...


Check the next post for the definition.


1st Week!

Yeah! Is the first week of this blog! New record! *drifts away talking c****


P.S. To those of you who hate me, if there's somethin' you want to tell me to change but you're just too paranoid to do so, just tell me and I'll make your life a little less s***ty, if I agree to change, which I wouldn't if you said, "Stop being a David," beacuse I'll tell you its your g**d*** paranoia, which it is. And since its to the people who hate me, this is not over using vugarities, although I'm probably tellin' the truth.

Bass Addiction

Today after I woke up, I played on my guitar. While playing my guitar, I got so bored that I started to play the bass, and guess what? I'm addicted. Well, I could post a vid but I haven't got one, yet. Bass bass bass. Can't get it outta my mind. Must stooooop myself!

Besides that, I'm bored and so I'll sign off.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Electric Producers (Part 3 Of The Electric Saga)

In case you do not know what I mean by the electric saga, the words parts are electric vampires and OEV. Anyway, electric producers generates electricity in your country. It converts fuel or nuclear energy into heat with is used to boil water with causes a turbine to spin and generates electricity which is sucked up by electric vampires and transformers, which changes electricity by increasing or decreasing the voltage and transforms for a robot into a vehical and vice versa. Electric generators can also can harness the light, and those are known as light vampires, or are turbines that rip the force of wind to generate electricity. Curse you, you shameful electric vampires! The electric generator spend all there life, effort and money to generate electricity and you waste it. Shame on you!

Well, that's it.


Organic Electric Vampires (Sequel To Electric Vampires)

Well, you've probably seen an organic electric vampire (OEV). An OEV sucks electricity from another electric vampire - the MP3 or iPod. An OEV, however, does not have electricity as its blood, it has normal blood with iron and oxygen and haemoglobin, except that haemoglobin consists of iron and oxygen. An OEV does not suck electricity to survive but rather for entertainment. An OEV is easily recognisable. If someone's ears have earplugs, he is an OEV. OEVs suck electricity through a cord called the earplug. The input side of the earplug, called the wire, is plugged into the MP3/ iPod and sucks electricity from it. At the output side, called the earplug, the electricity is converted into a mysterious force called music. Music consist of two parts, the more noticable melody and the base, which rocks. Sound familliar? If you're an OEV, you better be breaking the habit, tonight... *continues to sing Breaking The Habit*


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Word Of The Day

The word of the day is bluranoid. I know you want the definition but you can just refer to the previous post (and I'm bored to death, well, maybe not death.)


Bluranoid - Blooogleplex

Bluranoid (Noun):
Pronounced as bl-er-ah-noy-ed
A bluranoid is somebody who does not notice obvious thing or is oblivious to the surroundings.
Example: Stop being a bluranoid and open up your eyes.

Somewhere In Katong Part 2

Ok, where was I. (Now that makes me a bluranoid.) I went into the Peranakan place where they were practicing the kung fu art of makin' zhan. Over there, they introducted us to Peranakan wear. One noteworthy event happened like this... (I'll put it in the form of a script.)

Teacher: The Peranakan ladies would stay at home and make this.
*Teacher holds up beaded shoe cover*
Teacher: There are also some for men.
*Teacher holds up a men's version*
Rittik: Looks nice.
Teacher: During a wedding, the women must make two pairs - one for the husband and one for themself.

Conclusion: Rittik likes Peranakan girls.

Later, he bought some fancy design which said it symbolised love and togetherness. Anyway, we went to some nearby street after sampling zhans (dumplings) and kuey (somethin' like agar but not like agar), which I have appearently forgotten its name because it was too long and I was a bluranoid then, and it had Katong laksa. Too bad I was full after sampling the zhan and kuey. (The zhans were really nice but the kuey sucks.) Then some people went to 7 eleven and mixed a drink (and I forgot the fomular, wait, it was coke+sprite+groovy grape+100 plus+a little bit of root beer) and I rocked like mad.

And after that, we went to a Hindu temple where you had to take off your shoes and step on the floor that was burning, of course it wasn't soooo bad, at least for me. And we felt and went back to school... ect.

The End


Somewhere In Katong Prequel

I just remember what a bunch of people, includin' DelDel said on the way to Katong. This is just the summary - Gravity bends light. 1G is enough to bend light, but only a little bit. But just imagine light bendin'. Pervs would bend light so as to do sick stuff. Plus it won't ever be dark, even at night time. You can just steal light for somewhere like America.

That's all I have to say. Look at for the sequal, coming soon.


Somewhere In Katong

This post was inspired by Jaryl's post on 25th of May, which is equal to today.

Today, we went to Katong park. The weird thing was that it was a fort nicknamed the Wash-Out fort, cause' whenever the stupid (not that they even have a brain) cannons fired, the loose sand would shake the ground and they'ld have to recalibrate it. I hope I had a picture to show how the fort worked (but I haven't a single idea how I works), but I don't have a picture because I don't because I didn't take a picture of the picture. Then there was this tree that looked like it was painted. It's name was... rainbow eucalyptus. There are only two in the whole state of Singapore. Anyway, the makers of the fort knew it was noob (that's a slang) and buried it in soil. Mmmmmaaaaaannnnnnyyyyyyy yyyyyyeeeeeeaaaaaaarrrrrssssss lllllllaaaaaatttttteeeeerrrrrr, some guy dug it up. Then he caused a bunch volunteers to dig it until it was fully dug up. Due to economical reasons, they had to bury it in sand again until it becomes what you see above (the one at the top). Hah, caught you LOLin' there. Well, after that, we went to somewhere where it was owned (not pwned) by Peranakans and I forgot to take pictures. You'll have to see the other picture of the rainbow eucalypltus tree before I can continue.

Now that you have seen the second picture, I shall continue. We were at this place. Unfortunately, I forgot what I was called. To be continued... (I'll probably won't continue today and I don't have intuition, but you'll never know!)


Monday, May 24, 2010

Electric Vampires

You would probably have seen an electric vampire. In fact, if you didn't have an electric vampire, you would not be seein' this. The thing you are seeing right now is an electric vampire. Electric vampires drink blood, except that their blood is electricity and so they drink electricity. Electric vampires must first connect themselves to a cord (not chord) called a wire. The cord is then plugged into the host - the power plug. The electric vampire then sucks on the cord (I know you wish it'd been balls, perv) and drains electricity from the power plug and uses it to live. I am not against electric vampires (you can see that because this was written on an electric vampire). What's my point? Well, I don't know and so I shall end this.


On The 4th Day Of My Blog

On the 4th day of my blog, I said, "On the 4th day of my blog, I said,"On the 4th day of my blog, I said, "On the 4th day of my blog, I said,"On the 4th day of my blog, I said, "On the 4th day of my blog, I said,"On the 4th day of my blog, I said, "On the 4th day of my blog, I said,"On the 4th day of my blog, I said, "On the 4th day of my blog, I said,"On the 4th day of my blog, I said, "On the 4th day of my blog, I said,"On the 4th day of my blog, I said, "On the 4th day of my blog, I said,"On the 4th day of my blog, I said, "On the 4th day of my blog, I said,"On the 4th day of my blog, I said, "On the 4th day of my blog, I said,"I know the font is very gothic, but that's the default and I don't wanna change it.""""""""""""""""""

Well, maybe it ain't gothic. Maybe I should get a pic for this. Hmmm. I was also wondering if roses could kill you. I know roses have thorns. Just imagine some oen gives you a rose. Somehow, the rose ends up at your neck and the thorns slice the skin. It'll probably hit the jagular vein and knock you out or you'll bleed to death or maybe not. So the person does not die, unfortunately.

Oh wait, I've got a field trip tommorow. There'll be food samplin' tommorow.

Well. That's all I have to say now.


I'm Bored

I'm bored because I'm bored because I'm bored. Maybe I do have something to do - check my friends blog. Now I ain't being a stalker, just gettin' myself to do something. Maybe I should compose a song, or add a pic of me... guitar. Now I know who's a perv. If there is the word pwn, I can also make my own word. Since shakespear (Mind my spellin') coined his own words, so can I. A word like... pharch, nah. Too long. Well, that's it.


Trewq - Blooogleplex

Trewq (Noun):
Pronounced as tr-ee-u-k
Trewq is a strong as mysterious for that causes people to have their ETHANOIA and is illogical but makes sense.
Example: Trewq does not exist.

ETHANOIA - Blooogleplex

Pronounced as ee-tha-n-noy-ya
An ETHANOIA is something in everybody said to bring them the fear of being spammed.
Example: Your ETHANOIA probably worst.

Word Of The Day

This is the word of the day, I was to lasy to follow the pevious format.

Pronounced as ee-tha-n-noy-ya
An ETHANOIA is something in everybody said to bring them the fear of being spammed.
Example: Your ETHANOIA is probably worst.

That's it. By the way, it's Monday.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Continuing To Update This Blog

This is my promiss. As long as there are people goin' to this blog and I can use the computer, I will update this blog, even if nobody cares. (Besides, I built this blog expecting nobody to care.)


I Am Back

I'm back because I am back because I am back because I am back, which gives a something to write about. And I can't this of the word of the day and so there shall be not word of the day.


Bye Bye People

I'll be out for until noon (Hopefully it isn't high). Why? I can't tell you cause' I ain't want stalkers. Why am I doing this? I don't know. People just write happens during the day even if it means qwerting (Refer to Blooogleplex). Well, bye bye babylon... I mean people.


About Bloooglplex And Other Stuff

I know I haven't been bloggin' recently. That was because I was compilling the words for Blooogleplex. Don't worry, you'll get used to it and I'll still make the word of the day. (I haven't thought about that yet.) I'm considering the usage of emoticons, like :P>:b>:P>:b... etc. (It's suppose to be me stickin' my tongue out at you.) Erm, that's it, not. If you have a suggestion for the word fo the day, please comment. Don't trust the date on blogger, it is inaccurate and its the 23rd of May. That's it.


Blooogleplex - Blooogleplex

Blooogleplex (Noun):
Pronounced as bl-oo-gal-pl-ax
Blooogleplex is a dictionary with self-coined words found on The Blog Of David, The Amateur Rocker
Example: Blooogleplex has over 10 entries!

Poiuytrewq - Blooogleplex

Poiuytrewq (Verb/Interjection):
Pronounced as poy-yew-tree-oo-k
Verb: Poiuytrewq is the the act of trewqing, which is to write illogical but sensical things.
Example: I do not see the link between poiuytrewq and photosynthesis.
Interjection: Poiuytrewq is a word that supposedly reheals someone's energy when said.
Example: "Poiuytrewq," he said as his woulds started to rapidly heal.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Crapishuck - Blooogleplex

Crapishuck (Verb/Interjection):
Pronounced as crah-pees-sh-arc
Verb: Crapishuck originates from the words c**p, p**s, s**t and f**k and can be used to replace any of the following.
Past Tense: Crapishucked/Crapishack
Past/Present Continuous Tense: Crapishucking
Example: The man was crapishucking for almost an hour.
Interjection: Crapsihuck is an interjection that is used to replace the words it originates from - c**p, p**s, s**t and f**k.
Example: "Crapishuck!" I screamed in anger.

Zxcvbnm - Blooogleplex

Zxcvbnm (Verb/Interjection):
Pronounced as zs-cevm-be-inm
Verb: Zxcvbnm is the act of writing logical nonsence
Example: If there were one action that did not make sense, it would be zxcvbnm and respiration. Interjection: Zxcvbnm is a magical word that supposedly allows people to perform magic when said.
Example: When I screamed, 'Zxcvbnm!' everything in the room started levitating.

Qwertyuiop - Blooogleplex

Qwertyuiop (Adjective):
Pronounced as quer-tee-yoo-ee-owp
Qwertyuiop is used to discribe anything that is logical but nonsencical
Example: The qwertyuiop text was too boring for me to read.

Qwerty-ious - Blooogleplex

Qwerty-ious (Adjective):
Pronounced as quer-tee-e-ow-s
Qwerty-ious is short for qwertyuiop, which is used to discribe anything that is logical but nonsencical
Example: The qwerty-ious text was too long for me to read.

Qwerty - Blooogleplex

Qwerty (Verb):
Pronounced as quer-tee
Qwerty is the act of qwerting or writing logical nonsence
Example: Like photosynthesis, qwerty is process done by organisms, mainly humans.

Qwert - Blooogleplex

Qwert (Verb):
Pronounced as quer-t
To qwert means to write nonsence that is logical
Past Tense: Qwerted
Past/Present Continuous Tense: Qwerting
Example: Stop qwerting.

Introducting The New Blooogleplex

From now onwards, I shall add self-coined words on my blog. There will not be signing off and will be based on the self-coin word of the day. What is it called? Blooogleplex! Well, before I sign off I shall say, "Refer to the next post for the format."


I Was Wondering

I was wondering if there were such a thing as ass cancer. If there's brain cancer, there should also be ass cancer. To avoid confusion, I am refering ass to the butt and not the donkey. Just imagine you butt trying to kill you. Talking about asses, I also wonder if a single fart could kill a person. Theoretically it can. The methane for the ass is injected into the air, where a person breathes it in. Since humans 'work' on oxygen and not on methan, the methan from the fart deprives the person from oxygen and he will soon die. Scary, and sadistic. Erm, that is it (not to be confused with Micheal Jackson's This Is It.)


I Noticed

I noticed that blogspot's time was 3 hours ahead of actual time. (You can choose to believe me or not)


Self-Coined Word Of The Day - Qwerty

The self coined word of the day:

Qwerty (Verb):
Pronounced as quer-tee.
Qwerty is the act of qwerting which is to write logical nonsence. Qwerty-ious is short for qwertyuiop, which is an adjective to describe something that is nonsensical and yet is logical. Qwerty comes from the word qwert with comes from the word qwertyuiop with originates from the maker of the keyboard.
Synonyms: Zxcvbnm
Anonyms: Poiuytrewq, Trewq


Explanation To Previous Blog

The previous blog said I had nothing to write about (but it did not say except this). But itself bein' a post meant that I had something to blog about, which makes that statement invalid and so I would have nothing to blog about, making that statement true... and so on so forth. Confused?


Nothin' To Blooog About (Which Makes This A Paradox)

I have nothin' to blooog about.


What Next

First the class (go away people who don't understand what this is sayin') used MSN, now Blog. Next might be Twitter, who knows. Maybe I'm psychic. Oh well, I need to get a pic for this blooog. Blooogle, haha, blooogle. Gettid? Maybe you don't get it. Nevermind, its irralevent. (Fine. I admit I was LOLing at blooogle.)


Message To All Followers And LOL-ers

First, the message to followers.

Dear followers,
Since you're following me, I would like to say thank you. But why would you follow me if I write c***, unless you are a stalker. If you stalk me means you like me and that means you're SICK IN THE MIND. Get away from me, you pervert. Of course that's just hypothetical. But still, you would probably not understand a single thing I write without background information, which I can't tell because I don't want perverts stalking me.

Now the message to LOL-ers.

Dear LOL-er,
I know you like to LOL (which is to say LOL at everythin' because you thing it's funny). As far as I know, you could be LOL-ing right now. Hah, caught you. Fine. I know I am overusin' the word f***, so I shall stop so that it shall not be overused, but you must also promise me you shall not use LOL until the right time comes, like how I shall not use f*** (Whoops) until the right time comes.

Well, that's about all I have to say for now.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Tomato Sauce As Fake Blood - The Problems With That

I thought actors use tomato sause as fake blood, so just imagine what the actor would be thinkin' if he had to spilt blood in his next scene - "Effing salty man!". Plus the temptation to swallow the ketchup. Oooh, the pain. I pity you actors who act in action movies. Once again I say, that's it, for the seventh time today.


5 Post In 1 Day

New Record! I've got 5 post in 1 day, excludin' this one. I did not start yesterday. The post posted 'yesterday' where not posted yesterday, it was just some glitch.

Anyway, Lisa asked how to link one blog to another and this is my solution.

The following blogs are blogs from my friends. You might this we can become a prey for a paedophile but as far as you know, we cause be a band of paedophiles, but you'll never know. Anyway: (Jaryl) (Zack) (Lisa)

You can choose to believe me, but I wouldn't advise you (because I write stuff that don't make sence/ cents). Erm, that's it.


Signin' Off

I've been to a number of other blogs recently - Bored--slacker XD, Impossible = I.M. Possible and Perfect in Inperfection - and I noticed that none of them actually signed off. In fact, Impossible = I.M. Possible didn't even have a single post. (Yeah, I know I post s***.) This is how I sign off - QWERTY. No, I isn't the end of this post. Well, fine it is because I have nothin' else to write except to sign off.


The Reason For Bloggin'

The following content may be unsuitable for impatient people. Viewers discresion is advised, but not strongly advised. Thinking about it again, viewers discresion is not even advised.

I have come to the conclusion that a blooog is meant for some one to write his c*** and nonsence. Now, I'm s***in' my time away. How awesome is that! (Not very)


About The Previous Post

I took my time just to write this to tell you that the previous post was suggested by Jaryl, and that I am very pissed off with finding What I've Done chords. "You play the guitar?" you might say. My reply is, refer to this bloody blog.