Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Today's Update

Ok, I'll start with lunch. Since the queue was long, Rittik asked me to check the menu. Too bad I memorised it - steak, fish or beef spaghetti. So he said, "Ok, I can't eat beef so I'll eat steak." WTF! Steak is beef. Well anyway, when I was readin' the bio notes on the microscope, it said "Use the fine adjusting know to fine tune the microscope." Talking about tuning, I'm glad tuning a microscope ain't like tuning guitar. Just imagine adjusting and then check and adjusting and... well you know. A h*** of a time wasted. Anyway, talking about bio, the guy who made lense that magnified 270 times viewed blood cell, bacteria and sperm cell. Now how did he get the sperm? Talking about perv stuff, Tai Zhi found the word sex in the list of words for Da Vinci. What the h*** is it doin' there! Anyway, MJ and Del was talking about who liked who. First...

Del: So how's your time with Jacelyn.
MJ: As in like now or last ime.
Del: In general...

Then, somehow, Del said Wei Heng likes Lisa.

MJ: Wei Heng like's Lisa!
*Wei Heng hits MJ*
MJ: What crap!
Wei Heng: Good boy.
MJ: Del, how's your time with Carilynne?

Then Zack got pulled into the conversation, although nobody said anything about PY... directly. Then Zack said, "I like who?/!" I wonder if he was refering to Woo Jin. Well that's it.


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