Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Somewhere In Katong Part 2

Ok, where was I. (Now that makes me a bluranoid.) I went into the Peranakan place where they were practicing the kung fu art of makin' zhan. Over there, they introducted us to Peranakan wear. One noteworthy event happened like this... (I'll put it in the form of a script.)

Teacher: The Peranakan ladies would stay at home and make this.
*Teacher holds up beaded shoe cover*
Teacher: There are also some for men.
*Teacher holds up a men's version*
Rittik: Looks nice.
Teacher: During a wedding, the women must make two pairs - one for the husband and one for themself.

Conclusion: Rittik likes Peranakan girls.

Later, he bought some fancy design which said it symbolised love and togetherness. Anyway, we went to some nearby street after sampling zhans (dumplings) and kuey (somethin' like agar but not like agar), which I have appearently forgotten its name because it was too long and I was a bluranoid then, and it had Katong laksa. Too bad I was full after sampling the zhan and kuey. (The zhans were really nice but the kuey sucks.) Then some people went to 7 eleven and mixed a drink (and I forgot the fomular, wait, it was coke+sprite+groovy grape+100 plus+a little bit of root beer) and I rocked like mad.

And after that, we went to a Hindu temple where you had to take off your shoes and step on the floor that was burning, of course it wasn't soooo bad, at least for me. And we felt and went back to school... ect.

The End


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